Tag: further investigation

  • Too Fast, Too Close

    Apparently there’s a “Too Fast World” theory of autism. I guess the idea there is that autistic people’s central thread is we kind of process incoming information more slowly, so the pace that works for neurotypicals decidedly does not work for us. That not only deeply resonates with me, but — it’s occurring to me…

  • Agency

    Last week in therapy I mentioned a belief I have around the futility of my own actions. Two beliefs, actually: one, is the belief that what I do will not have the intended outcome, but instead some dire, undesired consequence; the other is that I just have no ability at all to impact my circumstances/the…

  • Teaching The Dog To Bark

    There’s apparently an idea in dog training where, if you want to teach a dog not to bark, you first need to teach it to bark. Maybe there’s a similar opportunity with my Dark Veil. Maybe if I can learn to be in the Dark Veil, I can also learn to lift the Dark Veil…

  • Cankers (?)

    When I found that high-quality CBD oil “cures” my cankers… I’m not sure I can even describe the relief I felt. But now, I’m not so sure. Is it possible I’ve just driven them down a different nerve? Is whatever caused my cankers the same thing that now causes my tinnitus? I’m really afraid it…

  • Dérive

    Interestingly, I think one of my problems is that, if I come up with an idea that excites me, I often assume it’s an original idea, and, therefore, miss out on opportunities to commune with my ideological forebears and colleagues, to benefit from their insights and organization of ideas, and maybe even to have community…

  • Individual Contributions To The Collective

    A facet of my perfectionism, or of my trauma, or OCD, or something, is the feeling that my contribution has to be, more or less, everything, everywhere, all at once. I have not see the movie that shares that phrase, so I don’t know if it deals with this feeling at all, but it’s not…

  • Medium-Term Memory?

    I suspect most human brains have either a “medium-term” memory, or some mechanism for moving things quickly back and forth from (perhaps a “recently used” portion of) long-term memory with short-term memory, such that it would approximate a more hard-wired medium-term memory brain part.

  • The World Of Yesterday: Enthusiasms

    Last night, I was listening to Stefan Zweig’s The World Of Yesterday as I was falling asleep (which, to be honest, may or may not be advisable, but I am on Prozac now, so..?). In any case, he was talking about the enthusiasms that would sweep through the classes of students at his childhood school.…