(I hope. : )
Seems like a good time to make a record. A record of recent events. : )
So, let’s see… C. & I took the train! It was really fun. This environment might actually be too distracting for journalling… We’ll see. I also don’t have very long, because I have my first day of my new art class! I want to go over there with plenty of time, so I can find the room & get settled and everything. It’ll be a first for me. : ) I feel remarkably prepared. AND, I notice, as I was writing that, my brain supplied, “And even if I left something out, it’ll still be ok.” Thank you, therapy. < 3
In any case, the train. It turned out to be a bit hard to sleep on the train, harder than I expected, in any case, but I think that’ll improve with experience. Everything else about it was pretty great, though! With the possible exception of the washing facilities… But at least they were just ours while we were there, even if they were undoubtedly contaminated before we got there. : )
But the pace was great, the scenery was great, the food was pretty good, sitting with other people in the dining car was anywhere from fine to actually quite fun. It was cool having a lounge in Portland, too! I love how into lounge-based luxury C. immediately got after our experiences on the Berlin trip. 😅
And being there was pretty ok, too. I feel like our interactions, overall, were not super hard to take. And, when they were, I was able to be sad, and have C. next to me. Even if I didn’t want to tell her what I was sad about, because I felt like it would stress her out. : P But, it ended up that they *did* give us one deposit instead of two after all. I wonder what happened in the background about that… I got so stressed about it after I heard what I thought was M. advocating for doing two. I came up with a lot of stories about why she wanted to do it that way. I wonder if I even heard what I thought I heard, or if it was that D. overruled her, or she changed her mind, or what… I don’t know. I’m glad I got to practice being sad about a thing I felt sad about, rather than trying to numb out, in any case, and that it turned out not to be a thing after all was an amazing silver lining… on a thing that was already good? I don’t know if that’s still a silver lining, but… yeah. 🤷🏻♀️
In any case, better get my half-cat to go & pack up. : ) More soon.