Category: Is This Real?

  • Teaching The Dog To Bark

    There’s apparently an idea in dog training where, if you want to teach a dog not to bark, you first need to teach it to bark. Maybe there’s a similar opportunity with my Dark Veil. Maybe if I can learn to be in the Dark Veil, I can also learn to lift the Dark Veil…

  • Cankers (?)

    When I found that high-quality CBD oil “cures” my cankers… I’m not sure I can even describe the relief I felt. But now, I’m not so sure. Is it possible I’ve just driven them down a different nerve? Is whatever caused my cankers the same thing that now causes my tinnitus? I’m really afraid it…

  • Medium-Term Memory?

    I suspect most human brains have either a “medium-term” memory, or some mechanism for moving things quickly back and forth from (perhaps a “recently used” portion of) long-term memory with short-term memory, such that it would approximate a more hard-wired medium-term memory brain part.